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Prep schools in Warwickshire

Are you looking for a prep school in Warwickshire? Search here to find and compare independent preparatory schools.

You will find a list of all preparatory and junior schools in Warwickshire at the bottom of this page. You can use the search filters below to narrow your prep school search: you can choose day or boarding schools, girls' or boys' schools, or find and compare the schools nearest to you with our postcode search.

Click on a school's name for more information. Prep schools with full profiles appear at the top of the listings in highlighted panels. Some schools provide links to their social media and you can also watch school videos.

Many prep schools are members of the Independent Association of Prep Schools (IAPS), which is a good source of initial advice about preparatory education.

You can also read preparatory school news and feature articles in our editorial section, including articles on the benefits of a prep school education and the issues to consider and questions to ask when choosing a school.

You will also find more helpful articles on choosing a schoolfinding the fees, and an explanation of exams and qualifications.

If you are looking for an independent special needs school, see our sister website:

These search results are from, the online guide to independent schools in the UK, in partnership with John Catt's Which School? guidebook, first published in 1924, and John Catt's Preparatory Schools. We hope you find the perfect school for your child!

If you have any further questions or enquiries about independent education or a particular independent school, please get in touch with us at

Arnold Lodge School

15-17 Kenilworth Road,
Leamington Spa,
CV32 5TW,

Co-educational, Day, Pre-Preparatory, Preparatory, Senior, Sixth Form.

Bilton Grange Preparatory School

CV22 6QU,

Co-educational, Boarding, Day, Nursery, Pre-Preparatory, Preparatory.

Crackley Hall School

St Joseph's Park,
CV8 2FT,

Co-educational, Day, Pre-Preparatory, Preparatory.

OneSchool Global UK Atherstone Campus

Long Street,
CV9 1AE,

Co-educational, Day, Preparatory, Senior, Sixth Form.

Stratford Preparatory School

Church House,
Old Town,
CV37 6BG,

Co-educational, Day, Nursery, Pre-Preparatory, Preparatory.

The Crescent School

Bawnmore Road,
CV22 7QH,

Co-educational, Day, Pre-Preparatory, Preparatory.

The Croft Preparatory School

Alveston Hill,
Loxley Road,
CV37 7RL,

Co-educational, Day, Nursery, Pre-Preparatory, Preparatory.

The Kingsley School

Beauchamp Hall,
Beauchamp Avenue,
Leamington Spa,
CV32 5RD,

Girls, Day, Nursery, Pre-Preparatory, Preparatory, Senior, Sixth Form.

Twycross House School

The Green,
Twycross (Near Atherstone),
CV9 3PQ,

Co-educational, Day, Preparatory, Senior, Sixth Form.

Warwick Preparatory School

Banbury Road,
CV34 6PL,

Girls, Day, Nursery, Pre-Preparatory, Preparatory.

Warwick School

Myton Road,
CV34 6PP,

Boys, Boarding, Day, Preparatory, Senior, Sixth Form.