Search for the nearest private schools to you by using our postcode search feature.
You can enter your full postcode in the box below and select how wide you'd like to search, from a two-mile radius to 100 miles.
Alternatively, you could search for a postcode area – for example, NW3, or 'GU' (Guildford) - to view all schools in that area. (Note: You don't need to enter a value in the Radius field for this search)
The schools that match your search will appear in a map at the top of the screen, with pins marking their position. Hover over the pins to bring up the name of the school and some basic information. These schools will also be listed at the bottom of this page. Click on a school's name for more information.
Schools with full profiles appear at the top of the listings in highlighted panels. You can read detailed profiles of these schools, some of which include social media links (including embedded Twitter feed and video) to keep you up-to-date with latest news and information.
You can also search by UK region, county, gender and for day or boarding senior schools.
Please have a look around for information, advice and news about independent schools and independent education.
You can check for open days, find information on independent school associations, read expert advice on the questions to ask when choosing a school and get help in finding the fees. Elsewhere, you will also find an explanation of examinations and qualifications.
If you are looking for an independent special needs school, please see our sister site:
These search results are from, the online guide to independent schools in the UK, in partnership with John Catt's Which School? guidebook, first published in 1924, and John Catt's Preparatory Schools. We hope you find the perfect school for your child!
If you have any further questions or enquiries about independent education or a particular independent school, please get in touch with us at