Acclaimed pianist to perform at King’s Ely

Posted on 11th Apr 2018 in School News, Music

Renowned pianist Alexander Soares will be delighting an audience at King’s Ely this April.

Alexander’s concert is being held at King’s Ely’s Recital Hall on Wednesday, April 25th and, as always, members of the public are welcome.

Hailed by The Telegraph as a pianist of ‘huge intensity’, Alexander is developing a reputation as an artist of formidable technique and virtuosity, with performances of ‘diamond clarity and authority’, as described by BBC Radio 3's In Tune. In 2015, his performance in the  BBCSO/BBC Radio 3  ‘Boulez at 90’ celebrations received widespread critical acclaim in the press, described as a ‘brilliantly unbuttoned account’ (The Sunday Times) and ‘most memorable of all’ (The Financial Times). 2016-17 highlights included returns to Wigmore Hall, St Martin-in-the-Fields, St James’s Piccadilly and Alexander’s debut in the USA.

A keen chamber musician, Alexander has performed on numerous occasions in the Barbican, working with notable artists such as Boris Brovtsyn and Alexander Baillie. He has also toured France in venues including Auditorium St Germain and Opéra Rouen, performing Stravinsky’s Les Noces on Pleyel’s original double grand pianos, manufactured in the late nineteenth century. Alexander has greatly benefited from the guidance of pianists including Richard Goode, Stephen Kovacevich, Stephen Hough and Steven Osborne.

Alexander’s concert at King’s Ely is his first visit to the school and the exciting programme will include music by Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Liszt and Bartok. The musical extravaganza is being held as part of the King’s Ely Recital Series’ 25th season programme and the concert starts at 7.30pm.

Tickets, which are £12 for adults and free for children, are available from the King’s Ely Box Office by visiting or calling (01353) 653931. Alternatively, email