Barrow Hills pupils take part in Kindness Project

Posted on 1st Dec 2017 in School News

Ahead of the Christmas festivities, children at Barrow Hills School who participated in a Kindness Project run by the charity 52 Lives, were reminded of the importance of simply spreading kindness.

52 Lives is a charity which aims to change someone’s life every week of the year. The essence of the charity’s work is based on the premise that people are good and good people working together can achieve amazing things.

Greig Trout, a motivational speaker from 52 Lives, met with children from Years 5 and 6. The workshop invited the children to explore the concept of kindness; why it is important; how it may be manifested by a simple (often low cost) gesture; and the myriad benefits to the ‘giver’ of showing kindness to others, including a heightened sense of physical and emotional well-being.

The children learned how no act of kindness, however small, is wasted and how they have the power as individuals to make a difference in someone’s life. During the workshop, the children made cards and calendars, and were encouraged to think about those who might benefit from a gift of kindness this Christmas.

The School will be participating in the charity’s Christmas project, which works to spread love and kindness to children and adults in a school, refuge or shelter, who may not receive a Christmas present this year. The charity sets up an Amazon gift wish list and strangers from all over the world are invited to buy the presents, as a way of spreading happiness on Christmas day.

The workshop was the idea of Mr Josh Andrade, Head of Middle Prep at Barrow Hills. Commenting on the initiative Mr Andrade said, “The tremendous work that 52 Lives carries out around the world is very much in keeping with the ethos of Barrow Hills. Our focus is very much on helping our children to become informed citizens, aware of their moral and social responsibilities not just in their local community but also in the world at large. 

"We will be issuing our official Outstanding Kindness Award provided by 52 Lives, to one of our form groups. The children have learned that whilst Christmas is an exciting time of year, there are others who are less fortunate than themselves. They have been encouraged to appreciate that being generous with their time and spirit is the most potent form of giving and that a simple act of kindness can go a long way to improving the lives of others.”

For more information on 52 Lives visit