Brentwood Prep School into EPSCA chess final for first time

Posted on 22nd May 2018 in School News

Brentwood Preparatory School have become the first ever Essex school to win in the English Primary Schools’ Chess Association (EPSCA) National U11 semi-finals. The A team – made up of (in board order) Nina, Max, Dmitry, Jake, Jaideep and Adhvaith – topped the table of 40 qualifying schools at Camber Sands this weekend. Wins over Northbridge House, Haberdashers Aske’s, Elm Green, The Beacon, Amherst and Dulwich Prep sealed an emphatic victory, for which all pupils should be very proud.

Watched by supportive parents, the team kept their cool in check amidst stiff competition to get through to the finals which take place in July. Whilst Brentwood were quietly confident going into the weekend, there were various other London schools who also fancied their chances. The A team remained composed and focused throughout the weekend, scoring crucial wins at key moments and eventually ran out comfortable victors.

Brentwood's B team – Oli, Charlie, Alex, Ranulph, Marius and Dilsher – also performed respectably and gained valuable experience.

Preparatory Headmaster Jason Whiskerd commented: ‘This is a tremendous achievement to be the first Essex school to get through to the final of this prestigious and highly contested tournament, congratulations to all pupils involved.’

The School hosts an annual tournament which attracts over 100 of the finest players from around the South East of England. The Senior School has recently announced that they will be offering a Chess scholarship from September 2019 to reflect the strong and growing interest in the sport.