Bromley High School's Francine highly commended in Young Geographer of the Year 2017 competition
Posted on 28th Nov 2017 in School News, Geography
Bromley High School is delighted to announce that Francine Bibby in Year 9 has been awarded the highly commended prize at the Royal Geographical Society’s (with IGB) Young Geographer of the Year 2017 competition.
There were over 1600 entries with the theme of 'What is the geography of your favourite place?'
"Francine’s piece on Porthmadog really stood out. An amazing achievement!" said, Christina Bird, Head of Sixth Form at Bromley.
This year’s competition provided students with the opportunity to explore their favourite place. ‘Place’ is one of the most important terms used by geographers, allowing an exploration of the people, processes and connections that make particular places meaningful.
Everyone’s favourite place is different and unique. It could be somewhere everyday – such as a local space, a football stadium or a museum – or somewhere extraordinary – such as a holiday destination, a place that holds a special memory, or a place that you have read about or seen in a film.
In an exploration of their favourite place, pupils considered how their favourite place is shaped by local, national and global process, and what these geographical processes – both physical and human – are; the people and connections that make this place meaningful; and the social, cultural, political and environmental geography of their favourite place.
Steve Brace, the Society’s Head of Education and Outdoor Learning, said: “Our winners chose locations near and far – from the Isles of Scilly to Mount Fuji and from Braithwaite to the Galapagos Islands. In all of their entries they demonstrated high levels of geographical knowledge and understanding in order to reveal the diverse geographies of their favourite places.”
You can view the results of the competition here. Here is Francine's project:
Photo: Francine receiving her award from Alastair Humphreys, an adventurer, author and motivational speaker who was a National Geographic Adventurer of the Year in 2012.