Celebrating outstanding GCSE achievements at Pocklington School

Posted on 27th Aug 2024 in School NEws, GCSEs, Exam results

Pocklington School are celebrating the remarkable achievements of their Year 11 students who have received GCSE results, marking a significant milestone in their academic journeys. The hard work, dedication and resilience demonstrated by these students over the past two years have culminated in an impressive set of results, with many achieving top grades across a diverse range of subjects.

Pocklington School students have significantly exceeded the average grades nationally and for independent schools with 55% of all exams being awarded the top 9-7 grades and almost a third of exam results being 9/8 grades. There were some excellent individual performances across the board, representing real achievements for the wide ability of students.

Nearly a fifth of students gained nine or more grade 9-7s, with over 30% securing at least eight of these top grades and almost half gaining at least six. At the very top grades, 15% of the year group gained three or more grade 9s, with 42% gaining three or more GCSEs at grade 9/8 and 26% gaining more than five at this level.

Once again, Pocklington students performed extremely well in the sciences, with the vast majority achieving 9-7 grades: 92% in chemistry, 90% in physics and 65% in biology. This year group's successes were not confined to the sciences though, with an impressive 100% of drama students achieving 9-7 grades, 74% of history students and 73% of those studying French.

Toby Seth, Pocklington School Headmaster commented: “We are delighted for and proud of all our students, families and our colleagues here at Pocklington School. These results are outstanding and reflect the enormous effort and determination of our Year 11 cohort who were over the moon with their results this morning. They have performed fantastically well in all curriculum areas and ally these results to wide ranging engagement in our broad co-curricular programme, by which we also put great store. They are now in a wonderful position to grasp hold of opportunities at sixth form level, and we look forward to seeing what they can achieve in what are undoubtedly bright futures. My thanks go to all our colleagues and families for their support but ultimately huge congratulations to the students on their achievements."

The transition from Senior School into Sixth Form marks an exciting time, filled with new opportunities and challenges. As students embark on their post-16 academic pathways and take their initial steps towards future careers, staff at Pocklington School are confident that the skills, knowledge and values that their students have developed at Pocklington School will lay a strong foundation for continued success. The School remains committed to supporting them every step of the way, encouraging them to seize opportunities that lie ahead and ensuring they continue to grow and flourish. They will forever be proud Pocklingtonians.

Inaayat Hashim, Head of Middle School, commented: “Many congratulations to all our Year 11 students on their remarkable achievements. We are incredibly proud and excited for what the future holds for them. This marks my first complete cohort as Head of Middle School, and it has been both a privilege and a pleasure to watch and support them over the last three years. The potential within this group is extraordinary and we are beginning to see it being realised. I wish them every success as they embark on the next exciting phase of their journey.”

Lula expressed her gratitude for her Middle School years saying: “The encouragement from my teachers and friends has helped me thrive throughout Middle School and has been key to my motivation through the exam period. Middle School has taught me so much about myself and has driven and supported me, especially over these last few months. I am so excited for what lies ahead in Sixth Form and the experiences it has to offer.”

Lydia remarked: “My five years so far at Pocklington have been varied to say the least; starting as a full-time boarder in Year 7, transitioning to online schooling during the pandemic and now attending as a day pupil. Despite these changes, the support from my teachers and friends has been a constant. The array of opportunities, both academic and co-curricular, has been extensive. I look forward to continuing my time here in Sixth Form, where I am confident I will be best prepared for my future endeavours!”

Arthur commented: "I'm delighted with my results. I will be returning to Sixth Form at Pocklington to study psychology, physics and business at A level as well as core mathematics. I am looking forward to getting back to playing sport, especially hockey."

Gwenan was thrilled to receive her results saying: "My results are exactly what I hoped for. I am excited to be starting A level studies in maths, further maths, English literature and chemistry. I am looking forward to being challenged in the subjects I really enjoy.”

Oscar was surprised and pleased with his results commenting: "I did so much better than I expected, and I am really proud of myself. I am delighted to be continuing at Pocklington School to study BTEC sport and BTEC enterprise and entrepreneurship. I am eager to experience the independence and greater learning opportunities that Sixth Form can offer."

Jack reflected on his time in Middle School saying: For me, one of my highlights is the sporting opportunities that are on offer at Pocklington. I look forward to continuing to enjoy these in my journey at Pocklington School. The support of the teachers has been invaluable during my GCSEs too.”

Congratulations to all on these fantastic achievements and good luck for the future.