Chance for girls to get a glimpse of life as a member of Ely Cathedral Girls’ Choir

Posted on 22nd Sep 2017 in School News, Music

Girls with a love of singing are being given the chance to experience what life is like as an Ely Cathedral Girl Chorister.

King’s Ely has educated the boy choristers of Ely Cathedral for over 1,000 years. Early in the new millennium, a girls’ choir was founded to complement the boys’ choir, and to enable the cathedral to hold choral services every day of the week in term time. Ely Cathedral Girls’ Choir (ECGC) sang its first cathedral service in November 2006 and has since become firmly established as a central part of the cathedral community.

‘Be A Girl Chorister For A Day’ (BAGCFAD) is taking place on Saturday, October 21st to give girls aged 9 to 16 and from all walks of life the chance to see what it is like to be a girl chorister. An action-packed programme of activities will include rehearsals with the current girl choristers, tours of the girls’ boarding house and Choral Evensong at the cathedral at 5.30pm.

Director of ECGC, Sarah MacDonald, said: “The extraordinary benefits of a chorister education are well documented. Girls learn musicianship, discipline, resilience, reliability, professionalism and self-confidence. We hope lots of girls will want to take advantage of this taster day to see whether this wonderful opportunity is right for them.”

As well as singing their share of cathedral services, ECGC has recorded a number of critically acclaimed albums and has performed in prestigious venues, including Westminster Abbey and the Guards’ Chapel in London, and la Cathédrale Notre Dame and l’Église St Eustache in Paris.

All members of ECGC are boarders at King’s Ely Senior and Ely is the only cathedral in the UK to offer this type of intensive chorister experience to girls in this age group. Choristers receive a specialist musical education and are treated as skilled musicians from the beginning, interacting and performing with professional singers, organists and conductors on a daily basis.

By the time they leave King’s Ely, they will have gained the expertise and experience needed to carry on to university choral scholarships (recent girl choristers have received choral scholarship offers from Cambridge, Oxford, Royal Holloway, and Durham), professional musical careers, or any other path they might wish to follow. They will have acquired an in-depth and knowledgeable appreciation of the architectural, musical and liturgical heritage of our country, and will have developed the invaluable transferable skills of discipline, dedication, and diligence which will provide them with significant rewards and advantages for the rest of their lives.

Places for the ‘Be A Girl Chorister For A Day’ event should be booked in advance by calling Jane Formston on (01353) 660707 or emailing To find out more about opportunities at King’s Ely, please visit