Churcher’s College infant summer concert

Posted on 19th Jun 2018 in School News, Music

The annual Churcher’s College ‘Infant Concert’ is a highlight for the school’s younger pupils in Classes 1 and 2, who eagerly await their chance to perform solo, ensemble and whole-class items to a friendly and supportive audience.

There was a range of solo performances on piano, cello, violin, ukulele and JSax. Smaller group items included the Class 2 recorder group as well as a new pilot scheme that the music department is running in toots and doods – junior versions of the flute and clarinet. These new ensembles have been met with great success and are a great way to get younger pupils engaged in music-making without the expense and worry of owning an expensive instrument!

Both classes showed off their instrumental skills by performing pieces that they had composed themselves, showing a real understanding for all the different instruments and sounds on offer in the Music Room. They successfully combined specific instruments to conjure up exotic landscapes in a pirate treasure hunt, as well as exploring the crater of an exploding volcano. The evening was rounded off with getting all the audience participating in ‘Baby Shark’, a favourite among the Infants who performed with energy and real enthusiasm. It was heartening to see such confidence from so many so young and how music can be the perfect vehicle for developing this.