Churcher’s College Nursery celebrates its first anniversary!

Posted on 5th Feb 2018 in School News

Today Churcher’s College Nursery celebrates its first anniversary! It is one year since the brand new Nursery opened its doors and welcomed in its first children. To celebrate the occasion, an apple tree was planted in the front garden by Simon Williams and Ffion Robinson, Headmaster and Head of the Junior School respectively.

Annabel Knowles, Head of Churcher’s College Nursery, said: 'The apple tree will symbolically flourish and grow alongside us as we move forwards! The first year has flown by with some wonderful landmarks along the way, including our first Pussycats progressing into Owls, and in turn the first Owls moving into Reception in the Junior School. We’ve also had a wonderful launch celebration in the summer, many lovely visitors coming to play in Little Skippers as well as campfires, bear hunts, music lessons, fairy hunting and so much more learning through play!'