​Churcher's College pupils learn about life at Number 10

Posted on 13th Feb 2018 in School News

Year 6 at Churcher's College Junior School were lucky enough to see what lies behind the famous black door at Number 10. The visit to Downing Street was part of their Citizenship Week.

After posing on the front step, the children were welcomed into the Cabinet Room. The children sat round the famous green table, some even having the opportunity to sit in the Prime Minister's chair! They learnt all about some of the important decisions that have affected British life that were made and discussed in this historic room.

Next they walked up the Grand Staircase installed by Sir Robert Walpole when he took up residence as Prime Minister in 1735, past portraits of previous Prime Ministers including Churchill, McMillan and Blair.

They then entered the study; a favourite place for Margaret Thatcher and David Cameron to work. Now it hosts the table used for the G8 meeting held in Ireland in 2013; perhaps there is a future world leader in our class?

By entering the White Drawing Room and Terracotta Room, Year 6 joined the many international VIPs that have graced Downing Street. Here they posed for diplomatic handshakes in front of the White Room's beautiful fireplace.

The highlight of the trip for the children, was to see and stroke Larry the cat who was sleeping on the window sill in the hallway. As the resident mouser, he certainly looked happy and well fed.

Mrs Sarah Roberts, class teacher said, "It was a remarkable experience for us all. We have been studying the power of democracy and parliament and to visit this place so entwined with British government and British history was a very memorable experience. I was very proud of my class, whose behaviour was excellent."