Churcher's College pupils take part in Southsea beach clean

Posted on 6th Nov 2018 in School News

Inspired by the recent documentary Drowning in Plastic, pupils from Churcher's College Junior School have taken part in a Marine Conservation Society Beach Clean in Southsea, picking up a substantial amount of plastic.

Junior School pupil Felix Berry, many others from Year 5 and their siblings took part in the beach clean on Saturday 3 November. 

The clean started at 10am and finished at 12 mid-day with bacon sandwiches. They were blessed with glorious sunshine and each and every child collected a substantial amount of plastic (collectively, approximately 7 kilos). 

Felix and his brother Frank were both moved and motivated by the recent BBC documentary, Drowning in Plastic, and felt the need to act so that everyone can enjoy the world's amazing marine wildlife for many years to come. 

The Marine Conservation Society hold monthly, local beach cleans which the pupils are determined to attend in the future.