Dauntsey’s celebrates art department with new exhibition
Posted on 19th Sep 2017 in School News, Art
This month, Dauntsey’s hosts an exhibition of classic cars, vehicle designs from the Royal College of Art, sculpture by Angela Palmer, photography by Iain Kemp and student work from the Art Car competition. The display, entitled ‘Art in Motion: the Car, Knowledge and Design’, is being held in collaboration with Messums Gallery and Classic Car Safe.
The exhibition demonstrates Dauntsey’s continuing commitment to hosting innovative displays from the world of art and design. Art enjoys a high profile at Dauntsey's and this is reflected in the prominent displays of pupils' work throughout the School. The Art School is housed separately from the main School site in a spacious building. Central to this space is the exhibition area – The Gallery - which hosts an eclectic range of artwork from both pupils and renowned artists and designers from industry.
All pupils study art for their first three years at Dauntsey's when the foundations of visual literacy and awareness and technical competence are laid. Thereafter, pupils may opt to study the subject for GCSE and then go on to ‘A’ Level in the Sixth Form.
Victoria Rose, Director of Art at Dauntsey’s, said: “We offer students a sense of adventure, excitement and discovery. The Art School is a place where they can take risks and not worry if they get it wrong. We aim to build creative confidence, so we can develop innovative, risk-taking, ambitious visual communicators who stand out from the crowd.”
You can see more about Art at Dauntsey’s by watching this short film which was made during the end of year Summer Exhibition in July - the pinnacle of the Art School’s calendar.
‘Art in Motion: the Car, Knowledge and Design’ runs until 7th October at Dauntsey’s. Please contact the School at info@dauntseys.org if you would like to visit. The classics cars are on show on 16th September.