Dauntsey’s celebrates EPQ results
Posted on 9th Feb 2018 in School News, EPQ
Upper Sixth Formers and staff at Dauntsey’s are celebrating a superb set of Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) results with eight pupils attaining an A* and 88% gaining A*-B grades.
Pupils picked a topic of personal interest at the start of the Autumn term, then carried out more than 90 hours of research during the academic year, before writing a 5,000-word report, or creating an artefact, and giving a presentation.
Patrick Ost, Teacher responsible for the EPQ at Dauntsey’s, said:
“With its emphasis on independent research, self-motivation and organisation, the EPQ is highly regarded by universities and completing the course is an achievement in itself. We are very pleased with these results and there can be little doubt that the pupils’ hard work, time and dedication has paid off.
“All 39 pupils who saw the EPQ through from start to finish, in a very tight time frame (whilst also studying three or four A Levels and balancing other co-curricular commitments) can be justifiably proud of what they have achieved.”
The pupils’ project topics underline the breadth of academic curiosity at Dauntsey’s:
- Driverless cars
- Euthanasia
- The role of Henges
- Depression
- Selfies as an Art form
- The ethics of the fashion industry
- Corruption in Olympic sport
- Alzheimer’s
- Acupuncture
- Quantum Physics
Artefacts included a woodcarving exhibition, a strength and conditioning website, a mountain bike advert and a leaflet to help siblings deal with diabetes.