Dauntsey’s welcomes leading children’s authors to the school

Posted on 20th Feb 2018 in School News

Dauntsey’s has kicked off 2018 with a literary theme as the School welcomed three popular authors to talk to pupils about books and the joys of reading.

Visiting authors included Rob Lloyd-Jones, author of the popular Wild Boy and Jake Atlas series of books; Beverley Naidoo, a South African author of children’s books who won the Carnegie Medal with her renowned The Other Side of Truth and Jon Stock, an author of spy novels including the popular Legoland trilogy, who used to work at the Daily Telegraph as Executive Head of Life and Weekend.

Andrew Brown, Head of English, Dauntsey’s said: “Books have a lot of competition in teenage life, from other media, from schoolwork and from friendships. Here in the English Department, we believe that reading gives a real pleasure and helps to develop the whole person.

“It has been wonderful to have these authors visit the School and bring to life the creative writing process for our pupils. Even the most reluctant readers have been inspired to pick up a book and get reading! We’re hoping that they’ll all keep at their reading habit.”

Photograph shows: Children’s author Rob Lloyd-Jones, during his visit to Dauntsey’s recently.