Frensham Heights students soar to new heights with stunning A-Level results​

Posted on 21st Aug 2024 in School News, A levels, Exams

This year’s A-Level results are nothing short of brilliant and the school is immensely proud of their Sixth Form leavers. The results, an amazing 48% A*-A, 75% A*-B and 90% A*-C, are a testament to the students’ incredible resilience, hard work and passion. They have balanced academic rigour with extracurricular activities, friendships, and personal challenges and emerged triumphant.

The school is particularly delighted by the breadth of subjects in which students have excelled. From the sciences to the arts, from history to modern languages, they have demonstrated their ability to tackle any challenge. This reflects the school’s commitment to a broad curriculum that fosters curiosity and a love of learning.

While the school is understandably elated by these results, it recognises that exam grades are not the sole measure of success. The focus has always been on nurturing well-rounded individuals who are prepared to embrace the world.

Andrew Fisher, Head of Frensham, said: "Today many of our parents have reinforced their choice of Frensham. One parent said they chose the school because they could see their children would love it, would be happy, but these grades have gone above and beyond all expectations. As my final year closes as Head, I am thrilled and proud of the students and staff. Frensham’s future is bright!”

In true Frensham style, students are heading off to a diverse array of destinations with the majority opting for higher education with nearly all students achieving their first choice. Among those opting to go straight into higher education; Ben has a place at Royal Holloway to read Law (while continuing to play at top level in golf and cricket), Louisa will dance her way through Musical Theatre & Dance,Phoebe will be continuing with Graphic Design at Nottingham Trent and Morley will be studying Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Cornell University in the US (where he will expand on his UK representative rowing career).

Earlier in the academic year, Frensham Heights had another reason to celebrate when their team won third place in the CyberCenturionCompetition. Three of those team members will now be heading off to futures in the cybersecurity industry. George will be going to Southampton University and Dylan to Ravensbourne University, both to study Computer Science and Cybersecurity while Ivan will be heading straight to a leading tech company to start his career.

While the school is immensely proud of all the students and their results, the dedication and hard work that Ukrainian students Polina and Ivan gave while their homes were literally being pulled apart was extraordinary and humbling. Both students earned top marks and while Ivan is heading straight into the tech industry, Polina will be reading Politics and Economics at King’s College where we know she’ll strengthen her already determined resolve to change this world for the better.

These results showed that the school was able to inspire and support these students to achieve beyond their predicted grades, but fundamentally the strength of the relationships at Frensham has consistently seen students surpass their expectations.

Charlie Bennett, Head of Sixth Form, commented: “A record set of results - proving that a progressive education leads to academic prowess.”