Higher Youth Tour Cambs launches with fun-filled workshops at King’s Ely

Posted on 5th Oct 2018 in School News

Manchester-based indie pop band BrightLine visited King’s Ely to launch the eagerly-anticipated Higher Youth Tour Cambs.

The event on October 1st saw the band delivering workshops to students in Years 7 to 13 based on self-esteem from a Christian perspective.

The Higher Tour, which is supporting the work of the Message Trust, aims to raise a generation of culture-shifting disciples. Over the coming years, the initiative will be touring around the country delivering lessons in schools and sharing the good news about Jesus through concerts and large events.

The workshops at King’s Ely were sponsored by the Diocese of Ely, Scripture Union, Youth for Christ and supported by local Ely Churches.

BrightLine have been visiting schools all across the UK and beyond for the last few years, delivering lessons, assemblies and workshops to young people of all ages as well as gigging throughout the UK and Europe. BrightLine’s mission is to bring a message of hope and life to a hurting world.

King’s Ely was the first school to take part in the Cambridgeshire tour, which will culminate with the Higher Cambs 2018 Concert being held at Ely Cathedral on Saturday, October 6th at 7pm. For tickets or more information about the tour, go to: www.highertour.com/cambs.

To find out more about opportunities at King’s Ely, please visit: www.kingsely.org.