Ipswich School remembers HM Queen Elizabeth II

Posted on 20th Sep 2022 in School News

Last week the Ipswich School community gathered together for an act of remembrance for Her Majesty The Queen.

Pupils from Year 3 to Year 13, along with members of staff, stood on the school field, while Headmaster, Mr Nicholas Weaver, paid tribute to HM The Queen. He reminded everyone of Ipswich School’s Royal Charter, saying that the Queen was known as the School’s Visitor, “and this connection is cherished by us.”

He spoke of her years of service since she acceded to the throne, saying her example reminds us of the motto of her predecessor, Elizabeth I, which is also the Ipswich School motto, “Semper Eadem”, meaning “always constant.”

Mr Weaver said: “Throughout her life, our lives, that has been true, she has been a constant, until last Thursday. So we gather here to pay tribute to The Queen who gave her life in service.”

The School Chaplain, Rev Holly Crompton-Battersby, led the prayer and the community stood in silence while the Head Girl and the Head Boy tolled a bell 96 times, once for each year of the Queen’s life.

The ceremony was finished by the Chapel Choir singing “Peace I Leave With You” by Amy Beech, directed by Mr Dominic Ellis-Peckham.