John Catt's Preparatory Schools 2016 is available now
Posted on 25th Feb 2016 in Prep Schools Guide, John Catt Publications
We are pleased to announce the publication of the 2016 edition of our annual guide to preparatory and junior schools in the UK.
The 19th edition of John Catt's Preparatory Schools includes details of 1,500 independent preparatory and junior schools in the UK, providing education for 2 to 13-year-olds, including profiles and photographs of leading schools in the sector.
The foreword is written by John Tranmer, chair of the Independent Association of Prep Schools.
The guidebook’s accompanying website – where you can search for a preparatory school in your area – has now been updated and an eBook can be downloaded from
To order a printed copy of the book, please go to our bookshop. For any enquiries about the guide or any of our other products, please email us at