King’s Ely Acremont Nursery staff put their best feet forward for Alzheimer’s Society

Posted on 22nd Oct 2018 in School News, Fundraising

Staff at King’s Ely Acremont Nursery have raised almost £1,500 for the Alzheimer’s Society by completing the charity’s Memory Walk in Cambridge.

Thousands of people put their best foot forward by taking part in the 7km event on October 14th, including nine members of the team at King’s Ely Acremont Nursery.

Despite treacherous rain on the day, the ‘Queens of King’s’ team – Michelle Smith, Kelly Langford, Lucy Wright, Kayleigh Darkens, Gemma Scarrow, Rachel Nabavian, Lizzy Haywood, Emily Shelsher and Lucy Hunt – donned their waterproofs and completed the walk before coming together for a big group hug over the finish line.

The Alzheimer’s Society is a charity close to the hearts of many members of the team, including Nursery Practitioner Lucy Hunt, whose father has been living with the disease for the last 19 years. Lucy’s mum, Yvonne Peacock, accompanied the team on the walk. Kelly’s grandmother, Michelle’s grandmother and Gemma’s grandfather have all sadly lost their battle with Alzheimer’s, making it a cause very close to their hearts too.

Lucy said: “Several members of our team have witnessed the devastating effect Alzheimer's has on loved ones. We were keen to take part in the Alzheimer's Society Memory Walk to raise as much money as we could to fund research into the prevention, and hopefully one day a cure, so that other families don't have to have the same heart-breaking experiences that we have.”

The team have so far raised more than £1,300 in sponsorship and are hoping to reach their £1,500 target. To sponsor them, simply text KEAN90 and the amount to 70070 or visit: