King’s Ely teacher takes on London Marathon for second time in aid of MIND

Posted on 26th Apr 2018 in School News, Fundraising

A member of teaching staff at King’s Ely has raised almost £2000 for a mental health charity by completing the London Marathon.

Claire Kyndt, Director of Learning Development and Teacher of Geography at King's Ely Senior, was among the tens of thousands of runners who took on the gruelling 26.2-mile race in the capital on Sunday, April 22nd.

It is the second year running that Claire has put her best foot forward in the marathon, not only to put her stamina to the test, but also to raise funds for the mental health charity MIND. Claire, who lives in Ely, completed this year’s race in 5 hours and 31 minutes, and has so far raised an impressive £1700 in sponsorship.

Speaking about the race, Claire said: ‘It was brutal yet wonderful! The heat was immense and it was certainly the wonderful spectators and fellow runners who pulled me through. People lose their way for a huge number of reasons and it is because of charities like MIND that many can get back on the right track. By supporting MIND, we are opening a dialogue where it’s okay to talk about mental health, where it’s okay to admit that you're struggling and where it’s okay to seek help.’

To sponsor Claire, please visit: