Leighton Park students achieve top academic progress

Posted on 11th Feb 2019 in School News

Leighton Park is one of the top two schools in Reading for the second year running, according to data released by the Department for Education (DfE) on Thursday 24th January. 

The result secures the School’s position in the top 100 schools and colleges in England and Wales. The statistics place the School securely in the highest band, rated by the DfE as “Well Above Average” a measure applied to the top 5% of schools and colleges nationally, for the provision of Sixth Form education. 

The quality of teaching and learning at Leighton Park is clearly apparent in the student’s academic achievements, adding over a third of a grade, on average, to each student’s A level results.

“I am delighted that the impact of the highest quality teaching and learning at Leighton Park has been recognised by the DfE through this important and impartial measure,” commented Deputy Head (Academic), Karen Gracie-Langrick. 

“The School is dedicated to meeting the needs of each individual, providing excellent teaching and supporting our students to become independent learners in preparation for university and for life.”

The School’s commitment to a broader, values-driven education underpins the academic achievements of Leighton Park’s Sixth Formers.

Through the extensive co-curricular programme, the nurturing pastoral care and the Quaker ethos with its values of integrity, equality, truth and simplicity, students are given the confidence and courage to push themselves to their cerebral limits without fear of failure or judgement. 

Matthew Judd, Head, is delighted with the latest figures: “I am thrilled that the Leighton Park community and individual students have had their results celebrated in this way, complementing the commitment we have to character and values.”

The DfE’s data aims to show the academic progress students aged 16-18 have made since joining a school. This change, initiated in 2018, follows concerns around previous league tables that showed the percentage of students achieving A* to C. 

The previous system was considered unfair by many as it took no account of students’ starting levels and therefore the actual impact the school had had on students’ academic attainment. 

The DfE does not include Independent Schools in its equivalent Secondary table, which looks at performance at the end of Key Stage 4 (GCSEs). 

While all league tables must be viewed with a degree of caution, we are naturally delighted that the Government’s new measure recognises not only academic achievement but also the impact of the outstanding and dedicated work of our vibrant learning community.