New release: High Challenge, Low Threat

Posted on 20th Apr 2016 in John Catt Publications

We are delighted to see the fantastic early sales of our new title, High Challenge, Low Threat, by Mary Myatt.

This excellent new book – subtitled Finding The Balance – is a smart and thoughtful exploration of all the things that wise leaders do.

Informed through thousands of conversations over a 20-year career in education, Mary shows the lessons that school management teams can learn from leaders in a wide range of other sectors and points to the conditions which these leaders create to allow colleagues to engage with difficult issues enthusiastically and wholeheartedly.

This book makes the case that any leadership role is concerned primarily with the relationships between individuals. It is the quality of these, whatever the size of the organisation, which make the difference between organisations which thrive, and those which stagnate.

Released on April 16, early sales figures have been fantastic, with the title rising into the top 200 bestsellers' list on Amazon.

To order a copy of High Challenge, Low Threat, and to read some of the excellent early reviews of this title, please visit our bookshop.