New release: Teaching for Motivation by Andrew Hammond
Posted on 23rd Feb 2016 in John Catt Publications
John Catt is pleased to announce the publication of the third book in Andrew Hammond's Invisible Ink series, which looks at the secret ingredients that unlock learning potential.
This book considers how we can identify, nurture and report on the intrinsic motivations of staff and pupils, thus raising engagement, reducing absenteeism and improving the efficacy of teams and learning groups. Practical ideas and solutions are suggested throughout.
Teaching for Motivation is the third book in the Invisible Ink series, in partnership with INK Education, that aims to shed light on the ‘Invisible Curriculum’ and the secret ingredients that really unlock a child’s learning potential.
Also available are Teaching for Character and Teaching for Creativity.
The foreword to Teaching for Motivation is by Guy Holloway, Headmaster of Hampton Court House, who writes: “Great teachers nurture the heart, instil self-confidence and change the course of a child’s life. This book identifies that process and it is as profound and revealing as it is straightforward.”
Andrew Hammond is a headteacher, educational consultant, trainer, conference speaker and author of more than 30 educational titles for major publishers.
To order Teaching for Motivation, click here.