Northbourne Park hosts IAPS prep schools cross-country competition
Posted on 14th Mar 2017 in School News, Sport
Northbourne Park School, in Deal, Kent, hosted the Stevens & Wainman cross-country competition for local prep schools on Tuesday, March 7.
This was the 49th running of the Stevens Cup (U13 boys’ race) and the 38th time for the Wainman Trophy (U13 girls’ event).
Northbourne Park runners were joined by competitors from Duke of York’s Royal Military School, Kent College, St Edmund’s, St Lawrence, St Ronan’s, Dover College and Wellesley House.
With 62 boys and 56 girls competing from eight different schools the afternoon was set to be a competitive but friendly event. All the runners showed great determination and should be proud of completing the course over the school’s extensive grounds. Northbourne Park School is keen to promote cross-country as a main sport for young athletes from the local area.
Director of Sport, Craig Riley, said: “Cross-country is all about resolve and courage, yet above all of that, it is character building. This is why cross-country is such an important part of our curriculum. I am glad to say that there was plenty of fortitude on display from all of the Northbourne Park runners and indeed all the competitors.”
After two hard fought races, the overall results were as follows:
Top three schools
Stevens Cup
1st Place St. Ronan’s
2nd Place Northbourne Park
3rd Place St. Edmund’s
Wainman Cup
1st Place Kent College
2nd Place St. Ronan’s
3rd Place St. Lawrence
Individual Top Three
Stevens Cup
1st Place P. Greene, St Lawrence
2nd Place T. Hutton, Dover College
3rd Place J. Fisher, Dover College
Wainman Cup
1st Place J. Chappell, St. Edmund’s
2nd Place L. Stewart, St. Ronan’s
3rd Place L. Wooff, St. Ronan’s
For more information about Northbourne Park School, see the school's profile on School Search, the leading online guide to independent schools.