Pocklington Prep School’s revamped library opened by children’s author Clementine Beauvais

Posted on 8th Nov 2017 in School News

Pupils at Pocklington Prep School have a restocked and revamped library to enjoy after children’s author Clementine Beauvais visited to open it.

Prep School teacher Jonathan Ott and Pocklington School Librarian Angie Edwards spent many months selecting a new book list for the library, as well as the right shelves and furniture to make it welcoming and comfortable.

To celebrate the launch of the new collection, they invited York-based Ms Beauvais to cut the ribbon and officially declare the library ready for visitors.

Ms Beauvais, author of the Royal Babysitters series (aimed at children aged 7+), as well as the Sesame Seade mystery series (aimed at 9-11 year-olds) and young adult novel Piglettes, talked to pupils in assembly about being a writer and what inspires her.

She then spent the morning in the library signing books, answering children’s questions, and making bespoke autographs for pupils from her own special collection of coloured pens and stamps.

Ms Beauvais, who also lectures in English and Education at the University of York, presented the School with three signed copies of Royal Babysitters books to help the children remember a truly inspiring morning.

Ian Wright, Head of Pocklington Prep School, said: “A bright and appealing library is vital to foster a love for reading in children. It has been both a delight and pleasure to see our pupils respond to the work undertaken to modernise our library – and to Ms Beauvais’ visit.

“We now have a thrilling collection of books to inspire the boys and girls to delve into the wonderful worlds, both imaginary and real, which they portray. Reading helps young minds to become creative and fuels their own imagination, with great ideas spilling into their own writing.

“Thanks to Mr Ott and Mrs Edwards for their hard work in transforming our library, and to Ms Beauvais for getting it off to such an exciting and inspirational start!”