Renowned violinist and pianist to perform at King’s Ely

Posted on 16th Jan 2018 in School News, Music

Acclaimed violinist Charlotte Rowan and pianist Charlotte Stevenson will be delighting an audience at King’s Ely this week. Their concert, From the Baltic to the Mediterranean – Music across the Continent, is being held at King’s Ely’s Recital Hall on Wednesday, January 17th and, as always, members of the public are welcome.

A graduate of the Peabody Conservatory, Baltimore, USA, Charlotte is a regular recitalist at concert venues and music festivals across the UK. She is well-known for her performances in many of the country’s finest cathedrals and appeared on the Washington DC Performing Arts Series in America. Charlotte is also a member of the Visiting Music Teacher team at King’s Ely where she is passionate about inspiring young musicians to develop their talents.

Charlotte Stevenson enjoys a varied career as a pianist, singer and harpist. She gained her LRAM Diploma studying piano with Janette Lamb and Mary Moore. Charlotte has the rare distinction of her teacher, Janette, having been taught by a pupil of Clara Schumann.

The programme for the evening on January 17th will include Prokofiev’s Violin Sonata No. 2, Schubert’s Valse Caprice as well as music by Vitali, Milhaud, Szymanowski and Sarasate.

Head of Vocal Studies at King’s Ely Senior, Peter North, said: “In midwinter, we always need something to cheer us up and to transport us to warmer climes. As we travel from the icy Baltic around St Petersburg to the balmy shores of the Mediterranean, we can be sure that this concert will remind us of the heady days of summer yet to come.”

The musical extravaganza is being held as part of the King’s Ely Recital Series’ 25th season programme and the concert starts at 7.30pm. Tickets, which are £12 for adults and free for children, are available from the King’s Ely Box Office by visiting or calling (01353) 653931. Alternatively, email