Report and video: Former Education Secretary Nicky Morgan praises LVS Ascot’s focus on character education
Posted on 26th Jan 2018 in School News, Character education
MP and former Secretary of State for Education Nicky Morgan visited LVS Ascot on Wednesday 24th January where she addressed parents on the importance of character education and praised the school for its development in this area.
She said: “Character isn’t a one-size fits all concept, it is a combination of traits that sets people apart so they can achieve their dreams. I think LVS Ascot is probably much further along on this journey than other schools”.
Nicky, who has been MP for Loughborough since 2010, was invited to LVS Ascot’s theatre where she discussed with parents of pupils from the junior school up to sixth form the benefits developing positive character traits brings. She detailed the advantages this provides to students when applying for jobs and, having been Secretary of State for Education from 2014 to 2016, was perfectly placed to talk about key strengths that employers are looking for from students.
The independent all-ability school recently introduced a set of ten Learning Values and Skills to develop junior pupils’ characters for senior school and beyond, of which Nicky was keen to impress the importance. She said employers are looking for candidates that they can train fully in a specific role, but who arrive with key personal skills that will help them to succeed within that training and career.
Nicky said: “The LVS Ascot learning values including self-confidence and collaboration, risk taking and resilience, creativity and curiosity are great values that we all want to see developed in our young people. The resilience, empathy and initiative traits will really help set the pupils apart in terms of making a success of life, and alongside persistence when things don’t go so well those are the things employers will say they want and they help in terms of high academic attainment too”.
Head of LVS Ascot Junior School Rachael Cox said: “Increasing evidence suggests characteristics such as creativity, empathy and collaboration can be learnt, and acquiring such positive character traits is associated with a range of positive life outcomes. At LVS Ascot we are committed to weaving these into the curriculum along with tailored lessons and engaging activities”.
Sixth form politics student Daniel Walker also interviewed Nicky after her talk. You can view some of the highlights of Nicky’s visit to LVS Ascot and watch her full presentation below:
Photo shows Nicky Morgan with LVS Ascot Head of Junior School Rachael Cox and sixth form student Daniel Walker