­­Senior citizens tea party at Burgess Hill Girls

Posted on 11th Jul 2024 in School News, Charity and community work

On the 3rd of July students at Burgess Hill Girls hosted one hundred senior citizens from Burgess Hill to a summer tea party.

The senior citizens were welcomed by the school’s Year 10 students and Head Lars Fox. They were then treated to afternoon tea with scones, cakes, and fruit. There was a raffle draw and students entertained their guests with a variety of musical performances and songs.

All the guests had a lovely time.

Betty Harris said: “We loved the round tables this year, it made it really sociable and easy to talk to people. The girls were wonderful, they’ve clearly worked so hard. The food was amazing.”

Partrick Byner agreed: “The music performances were just incredible, and so were the cakes!”

Head Lars Fox said: “I always enjoy meeting senior citizens from our local community and, by the wide smiles on their faces, I can tell our Year 10 students do too. Our guests have done so much for the community over their lifetimes, so it is a nice opportunity for us to show our appreciation.”