St Clare's awarded 'Top 20' Nursery

Posted on 5th Jul 2024 in School News, Awards, School awards

St Clare's is thrilled to announce that they've been awarded Daynurseries UK's 'Top 20' Nursery (Wales) for the fourth year in a row.

The award is based on our parents' 10/10 review scores and our parents' lovely comments make our hearts sing! Our parents love our deliberately small classes, weekly Spanish/French, Welsh and on-site Forest School.

This wouldn't be possible without the amazing support of our dedicated parents. "The best start for my child. I couldn't wish for anymore. The wellbeing of my son is of the utmost importance to me," said one of our happy parents.

If you're seeking an exceptional start for your child's educational journey, we'd love to invite you to visit us. We guarantee the warmest of welcomes.