Top marks for Pocklington students in A Level and BTEC exams

Posted on 22nd Aug 2024 in School News, A levels, Exams

Congratulations to Pocklington School Sixth Form students for their remarkable performance in this year’s A Level and BTEC examinations. These impressive results reflect the students’ unwavering effort, determination and positive attitude towards learning, alongside the commitment of our dedicated staff, who foster nurturing relationships to create an environment where every student can flourish.

At Pocklington School, we balance academic excellence with a strong focus on co-curricular activities and wellbeing. This holistic approach ensures that our students are not only prepared for their examinations but also for the diverse challenges they will encounter beyond school.

Tim Morris, Head of Sixth Form at Pocklington School, expressed his pride and admiration for the Class of 2024: "I am so happy for our students! Over the past two years they have demonstrated a fantastic level of commitment and resilience. Their belief in their own abilities and their high levels of aspiration, coupled with the exceptional support they have received from our dedicated team, has propelled them towards achieving these outstanding results. I have no doubt that their exceptional achievements and the strong bonds formed within the Pocklington School community, will be the foundation for their continued success and bright futures. I extend my warmest congratulations to the Class of 2024 and wish them all the very best in their future endeavours."

Our students have much to celebrate as they receive grades they have worked hard with their teachers and peers to achieve. Overall, 65% of all results were A* to B grades (or BTEC equivalent) with 39% A*/A grades and 90% A* to C grades. 19% of our students achieved impressive straight A*/A grades and 28% of the year group gained at least one A* grade. 57% of our students gained at least one grade A or above with 36% gaining at least two A* or A grades. All our BTEC students achieved at least a Merit in every subject.

Toby Seth, Headmaster, added his congratulations: “We are all extremely proud of our students’ efforts and send our best wishes to them as they take the next step in their lives. These results stem from years of hard work and are reflective of the many qualities our students develop and the varied pathways they pursue in their time here at Pocklington. In addition to these excellent academic outcomes, our students have realised innumerate other achievements that are not ‘graded’ but to which we attribute equal importance. Amongst others, these include efforts in sport, music, drama, CCF and the Duke of Edinburgh scheme, but also the establishment of lifelong friendships and relationships that form the bedrock of our community here at Pocklington. Well done to all for these results and more, and the best of luck to all for bright and fulfilling futures.”

The Class of 2024 have exciting times ahead as they prepare for their next steps which include employment, apprenticeships, diverse gap years and pursuing degrees at university, both nationally and internationally. University outcomes have been hugely successful this year with 96% of students achieving places at their first or second choice institution.

Poppy is looking forward to studying Classics at Durham University in September and is excited to embrace the opportunities that will be on offer. Poppy commented: “My time at Pocklington has been fantastic. I have been encouraged both to excel academically and to engage in co-curricular activities alongside my studies. The most memorable aspect of my Pocklington experience has been the excellent support from my teachers and the friendships I’ve built. I will truly miss it.”

Ben plans to study International Management with IT at Warwick University, with the exciting prospect of spending a year abroad. He acknowledges that his time at Pocklington has been enriched with ample opportunities for growth, academically and personally, both inside and outside the classroom: “Being involved in programmes like the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award and Young Enterprise, has greatly enhanced my skills in leadership and teamwork. The staff support has also been outstanding. I am immensely thankful for my time at Pocklington School, where I’ve met incredible people and created lifelong memories,” he said.

Tom has been inspired by the teaching in the Business Department at Pocklington School and is looking forward to pursuing studies in Business Management at Lancaster University. He reflected: “I have relished enhancing my practical and personal skills, notably during my two years on the men’s hockey 1st team. I am so grateful for all the tremendous support I have received from staff, especially my form tutor.”

Louisa is heading to the University of Sheffield to study Medicine. She is looking forward to embracing new challenges and making the most of every opportunity – something she says she has always been encouraged to do at Pocklington. Louisa commented that she has learned many lessons at Pocklington that transcend classroom boundaries saying: “The main thing I will take away from my years at Pocklington is self-belief. When I’ve doubted myself or my abilities, I’ve felt so fortunate to have such a supportive team of staff and friends behind me that have always believed in me and my long-standing goal of becoming a medical student. I’m so grateful to have had the opportunity to share my passion for medicine and sport through the Medical Society and the girls’ hockey 1st team, where I believe my interests have flourished and helped shape me into the person I am today.”

Gilbert is very grateful for the education and support he has received at Pocklington School and is excited to be pursuing an engineering course at the University of Bath. Reflecting on his time spent in the boarding community, Gilbert said: “Leaving Pocklington after five unforgettable years feels surreal, especially since it has come to feel like home. The experiences I have had at School and in the boarding house have been invaluable, providing academic and life lessons that have shaped me into an ambitious young man. I feel ready to tackle the next chapters of my life!”

Vova is delighted to be starting a degree in Computer Science at the University of Warwick in September, with high hopes of continuing to pursue a master’s degree. Vova expressed his gratitude saying: “Two years ago, Pocklington School embraced me as a refugee from Ukraine, offering incredible academic and pastoral support. Despite the cultural and educational differences, I successfully integrated into school life, seizing numerous academic and co-curricular opportunities. Engaging in initiatives like Community Action, the Charity Committee and being a School prefect, has enhanced my personal development and allowed me to contribute meaningfully to the School community. I will always look back on these two remarkable years with a smile and gratitude for all the chances to become a better version of myself.”

Charlie is thankful for his time spent at Pocklington: “Thanks to the support on offer and the opportunities I have had, I am confident about entering the armed forces next year, with aspirations of becoming an officer through Sandhurst.” Memorable moments for Charlie include the honour of representing the School in sports teams and participating in the many activities offered in the Combined Cadet Force. For Charlie, special acknowledgement goes to both the Classics and Modern Languages Departments. He commented, “Delving into Latin, Greek and modern languages has truly broadened my horizons and kindled a lasting passion that will remain with me long after I have left Pocklington.”

Congratulations to all on these fantastic achievements and good luck for the future.