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Blackheath Prep

Blackheath Prep

4 St Germans Place, Blackheath, London, SE3 0NJ

020 8858 0692



Blackheath Prep
School type Co-educational Day Preparatory & Nursery
Founded 1998
Head Mr Alex Matthews
Co-ed Age Range 3-11 years
Number of pupils 388
Nursery £5,285 per term
Pre-Preparatory (Reception–Year 2) £6,813 per term (incl. VAT)
Preparatory (Years 3–6) £7,249 per annum (incl. VAT)
Associations IAPS, ISC

Blackheath Prep is an outstanding, co-educational prep school for children aged 3–11. Located in an idyllic setting on the edge of the heath close to Blackheath Village, our 5-acre site offers superb specialist facilities and plenty of space for our pupils to have the freedom to learn and play in our large playgrounds, forest school areas and 2.5-acre playing field.

Our seven core values of kindness, curiosity, freedom, ambition, courage, community and joy inform all that we do and how we behave as a school community. They guide our approach to teaching and learning, to pastoral care and to wellbeing, and our engagement with those around us.

At Blackheath Prep we are ambitious for your child and who they can become. We're committed to achieving academic excellence within an ethos of strong pastoral care. We deliver this through a balanced and challenging curriculum that captures children's imagination and encourages their creativity. We nurture our pupils both academically and pastorally, enabling them to be happy, confident and inquisitive children.

Through a broad range of subjects, inspiring teaching and plenty of extra-curricular activities, we ensure that our school is a really exciting place to be, where curiosity is stimulated and a love of learning is encouraged.

We provide opportunities for our pupils to engage with every aspect of school life; in the arts, on the sports field and in the classroom as well as excellent wraparound care activities. We encourage our pupils to develop long-held passions, to try new things, to succeed and fail, to lead and serve, to play and explore, to give and give generously.

Above all, we are a kind, friendly and joyful school.