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Danes Hill School

Danes Hill School

Leatherhead Road, Oxshott, KT22 0JG, Surrey

01372 842509



Danes Hill School
School type Co-educational Day Preparatory & Nursery
Founded 1947
Head of School Mr Colin Baty
Date Appointed April 2025
Co-ed Age Range 2-13 years
Number of pupils 630
Mini-Transition (ages 2-3) minimum 5 sessions £470 - £595 per term (excl. VAT)
Transition (ages 3-4) minimum 7 sessions £540 - £575 per term (excl. VAT)
Pre-Prep (Reception - Year 1) £5,250 per term (excl. VAT)
Prep (Year 2 - Year 8) £6,355 - £7,420 per term (excl. VAT)
Associations IAPS, ISC

'We believe Danes Hill School develops independent, confident and caring children with strong minds and voices. We have witnessed this journey in our children, and for us, this is the school's greatest strength.'

Danes Hill School is a co-educational day Preparatory School, situated in 55 acres in the village of Oxshott, Surrey. Danes Hill provides boys and girls aged 2–13 with a dynamic and exciting curriculum. In recent years, Danes Hill has become one of the last remaining 13+ co-educational Nursery, Pre-Prep and Prep Schools in Surrey. This unique educational environment gives the children an opportunity to develop academically and socially before embarking on their Senior School journey.

Danes Hill School invests in the very best teaching staff who engage, encourage and inspire children to achieve.

'My daughter's teachers at Danes Hill School have been phenomenal. Within a few weeks they understood exactly what makes her tick and how to get the best out of her.'

From Nursery* to Year 8, children are taught by specialist teachers in languages, sport, swimming and performing arts. Regardless of a child's academic potential, the school ensures that they are supported to aim high and be the best they can be.

The Extra Curricular Activities Programme gives pupils the opportunity to participate in interests beyond the school day. There are over 100 different clubs and with everything from scuba diving to knitting, the children are sure to expand their horizons or harness an existing talent.

Danes Hill School facilities rival some of the top senior schools. A 24-acre paddock for Forest School, two swimming pools, 14 sports pitches, five science labs, three art studios, a full-sized Astro, putting green and, not to mention the pièce de résistance, a 10-m-high climbing wall.

A child's school days should be filled with excitement and wonder, creating memories that they will treasure for years to come. Danes Hill School is the perfect platform for children to discover their passions, days full of laughter and learning, magic moments and lifelong lessons.

* Children start in the academic year they turn 3