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Hazlegrove Prep School

Hazlegrove Prep School

Hazlegrove House, Sparkford, BA22 7JA, Somerset

01963 442606



Hazlegrove Prep School
School type Co-educational Day & Boarding Preparatory & Nursery
Founded 1947
Headmaster Mr Ed Benbow
Date Appointed September 2022
Co-ed Age Range 2-13 years
Number of pupils 372
Day fees per annum £4,025 - £8,161 per term
Boarding fees per annum £9,468 - £12,080 per term
Average Class Size 15–19
Teacher/Pupil ratio 1:9
Associations BSA, IAPS, ISC

Hazlegrove is an Independent Day and Boarding Preparatory School for 372 boys and girls. Established in 1947, the school enjoys an inspiring setting within 200 acres of parkland in Somerset and benefits from outstanding facilities. Hazlegrove believes it is important that children, from an early age, should have the breadth of opportunity to develop their abilities and potential while enjoying the benefit of a caring, nurturing and secure environment.

Hazlegrove is committed to celebrating childhood. A Hazlegrovian in the 21st century is a child who is empathetic, kind and connected to the world, one who is independent but knows that developing relationships and a sense of duty to the community are integral to a successful life. A vibrant and creative curriculum, exceptional pastoral care and stunning rural Somerset location combine to make children feel nurtured, motivated, inspired and encouraged to love learning for life.

The curriculum has a real hands-on feel where children participate and are not just spectators. Staff are passionate about developing in the children genuine awe, wonder and curiosity at the complexities of life and the world – past, present and future. The breadth and balance in the curriculum give pupils an opportunity to get excited about the lessons they have each day.

Sport is a clear strength and significant success is achieved by pupils in team and individual sports. Drama and music are part of the school’s DNA with a vast array of choirs, ensemble groups and theatre productions. Every pupil performs in a drama production every year.

The children at Hazlegrove are surrounded with care. That care includes at its core, staff for whom going many extra miles is an everyday thing, and who unashamedly make time to talk about the children. It includes a dedicated Pastoral Leadership Team which meets twice a week, a tutor system, a pastoral care curriculum embedded in everything, and an ever-developing framework for social and emotional literacy and support.

Hazlegrove pupils move on to a wide variety of senior schools aged 13, having taken Common Entrance or Scholarship examinations. The destinations of leavers include Marlborough, Eton, Winchester, Sherborne, Radley and Millfield to name a few. There is excellent support and advice for parents when they are considering the 'next step' for their child. Over the last four years, 103 Scholarships and Awards have been gained to 20 different schools.

Outstanding facilities with a continual programme of investment in its buildings and facilities ensure that Hazlegrove pupils have the best start possible both now and in the future.

For further information, please contact admissions@hazlegrove.co.uk, 01963 442606