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St John's College School

St John's College School

73 Grange Road, Cambridge, CB3 9AB, Cambridgeshire

01223 353652



St John's College School
School type Co-educational Day & Boarding Preparatory
Headmaster Mr N. Chippington
Co-ed Age Range 4-13 years
Number of pupils 409
Reception and Year 1 £6,558 per term
Year 2 £6,768 per term
Year 3–Year 8 £8,108 per term
Boarders £12,776 per term
Choristers £4,259 per term
Associations IAPS, BSA, ISC

St John's College School is a leading independent co-educational day and boarding school, set in the heart of Cambridge, which offers an exceptional educational experience to boys and girls aged 4–13. It is described by The Good Schools Guide as 'a joyous place that's buzzing'.

We believe in a childhood filled with affection, in which children know that they are known and valued, in which they learn to trust themselves and each other, in which they find and express their voices, discover the differences they can make for themselves and others, learn to think for themselves, to question, to collaborate, to be independent, and to own and take charge of their learning and their lives.

A St John's education is about the whole child. At its core is our focus on pastoral care and wellbeing, starting with our Emotions for Learning programme, which is at the very foundation of what we do and how we are as a school. We believe that education at its best is a profound act of care. If we care, then we will notice. If we notice, then we will act on a child's behalf. If we act for each child, then each of our children will achieve their best and become their best selves. To be known, to be noticed, to be valued, to be cared for – fundamental things for all of us, these are the essentials of a good childhood, and they are at the heart of the St John's way.

Our children become independent learners and creative thinkers prepared to question, with their curiosity very much alive. They get the best from themselves and achieve very highly within and beyond the classroom. We aim for our children to develop a real generosity of spirit, to know and care about how to get the best from others and to do well when they are with us and when they are long beyond our walls.

We focus on creativity throughout the school, both in the way we teach and the way children learn. We prefer to enable children to develop the skills they will need to succeed in the future rather than concentrate purely on gaining knowledge, gathering facts and passing exams, although these have their place in any educational environment. This different approach creates the right environment for our pupils to find their true voice and realise their potential, secure in the knowledge that they are cared for and supported by the community around them and equipped with the skills to problem-solve, collaborate and adapt.

Our youngest children are full of questions, rich with curiosity. We work to preserve and strengthen their questioning and thinking skills. From the earliest age we give them the essential tools, knowledge and understanding, but we also aim to give them more.

In the Pre-Prep a play-based approach to learning is adopted, reflecting and supporting the way children of this age learn. Play-based learning encourages skills of independence, collaboration, problem-solving, creativity and communication. Child-led independent learning, creative and critical thinking, digitally enhanced learning, executive functions, philosophy, study skills, compassion and loving kindness, as well as outdoor learning (which benefits from the addition of a landscaped forest garden) are all part of our aim to enable our children to 'learn how to learn' and become inquisitive and independent learners. An Enrichment programme has been implemented with our 9–13-year olds every Thursday afternoon to explore the development of sustainability projects, as well as cross-curricular work in computing, the arts, design technology, maths and science, and to give space to My Mind (incorporating mindfulness, study skills, tai chi, PSHE and philosophy, as a foundation for the skills necessary for critical thinking, self-management of learning and management of self). The aim is to foster children's ability to possess their own learning, to engage their innate curiosity and creativity, and to encourage them to connect with their feelings about themselves and the world.

It is from this strong foundation that, despite being non-selective at our main 4+ intake, our pupils go on to achieve at the highest levels. This is confirmed by the results of our last inspection report where the quality of pupils' academic and other achievements and the quality of their personal development were graded 'Excellent'. Our exam results are outstanding and, on average, nearly half of our leavers gain scholarships to the strongest day and boarding schools each year.

Find out more

Visit our school and get to know us, as we are, during the normal school day on an Open Morning or an individually arranged tour. It is important to us that you should have an opportunity to see the school in action, tour each of the school's sites (usually with the children) and experience its atmosphere, as well as meet us to discuss the school's educational approach and ask any questions. To find out more and to arrange your visit or book a place on one of our Open Mornings, please contact the Registrar, Mrs Maria Mosher on 01223 353652 or email admissions@sjcs.co.uk.