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St Swithun's School

St Swithun's School

Alresford Road, Winchester, SO21 1HA, Hampshire

01962 835700



St Swithun's School
School type Girls' Day & Boarding Senior & Sixth Form
Founded 1884
Head of School Jane Gandee
Date Appointed 2010
Girls Age Range 11-18 years
Number of pupils 508
Number of boarders 223
Number of sixth formers 141
Day fees per annum £9,90120 per term
Boarding fees per annum £16,73280 per term
Associations GSA, BSA, AGBIS, ISC

Compassion, integrity, and a quiet sense of self-confidence

St Swithun's School is a renowned independent boarding and day school for girls set in 45 acres overlooking the Hampshire Downs on the outskirts of Winchester, yet only 55 minutes by train from central London. It offers excellent teaching, sporting and recreational facilities.

Boarding at St Swithun's is designed with the modern family in mind. The range of boarding options allows parents to balance the demands of a busy lifestyle, reassured that their daughter has access to a huge breadth of opportunities, first class academic and pastoral support, further education expertise and the secure, homely atmosphere of a contemporary British boarding house.

The school has a long-standing reputation for academic rigour and success. Girls are prepared for public examinations and higher education in a stimulating environment in which they develop intellectual curiosity, independence of mind and the ability to take responsibility for their own learning. They achieve almost one grade higher at GCSE than their already significant baseline ability would suggest, and approximately half a grade higher at A level. St Swithun's offers a comprehensive careers and higher education support service throughout the school years. Its Oxbridge preparation is part of a whole-school academic enrichment programme providing additional challenge and stimulation.

St Swithun's describes itself as an 'appropriately academic' school, celebrating intellectual curiosity and the life of the mind, but not to the exclusion of all else. They expect their pupils to develop individual passions and through them to acquire a range of skills and characteristics. These characteristics will include a willingness to take risks, to question and to debate, and to persevere in the face of difficulty. In the words of Samuel Beckett: "Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better."

Whilst achieving academic excellence, girls also have the opportunity to do 'something else'. There is an extensive co-curricular programme of over 100 weekly and 50 weekend activities to choose from. As well as academic classrooms and science laboratories, there is a magnificent performing arts centre with a 600-seat auditorium, a music school, an art and technology block, a sports hall and a full-size indoor swimming pool. There is an impressive library and ICT facility. The grounds are spacious and encompass sports fields, tennis courts and gardens.

With kindness and tolerance at the heart of its community, St Swithun's provides award winning pastoral care as well as a civilized and caring environment in which all girls are valued for their individual gifts. By the time a girl leaves she will be courageous, compassionate, committed and self-confident with a love of learning, a moral compass and a sense of humour.

Open days provide an excellent introduction to the school and include an opportunity to meet the staff and a presentation from the head giving an overview of the unique atmosphere and opportunities at St Swithun's. To book a place on an open day, or to arrange an individual visit at a more convenient time, please contact Kate Cairns on 01962 835703 or email registrar@stswithuns.com. Keep up to date with latest news by visiting www.stswithuns.com, or on instagram and facebook @stswithunsgirls.