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Woodford Green Preparatory School

Woodford Green Preparatory School

Glengall Road, Woodford Green, IG8 0BZ, Essex

020 8504 5045



Woodford Green Preparatory School
School type Co-educational Day Preparatory & Nursery
Founded 1932
Head of School Miss Jenny Maslen
Date Appointed September 2025
Co-ed Age Range 3-11 years
Number of pupils 381
Foundation 1 £4,440 per term (VAT exempt)
Foundation 2 to Year 2 £5,106 per term (incl. VAT)
Year 3 to Year 6 £5,451 per term (incl. VAT)
Average Class Size 24
Teacher/Pupil ratio 1:12
Associations AGBIS

Established in 1932 as a Christian, co-educational school, we are proud to have been entrusted with delivering a first-class education for generations of pupils. We are a forward-thinking, diverse and inclusive community, welcoming children of all faiths and none; our approach is to enable children to learn with curiosity, enthusiasm and flair. We aim to equip children with the skills and knowledge that will prepare them for the next phase of their education and beyond.

We are quietly ambitious for every pupil in our school; our curriculum is broad, creative, and designed to adapt to the ever-changing world. We encourage all our pupils to have a 'can-do' attitude and place great emphasis on developing intellectual curiosity, depth of thought and scholarship. At the heart of the school is a strong commitment to personal development and pastoral care, for we recognise that happiness, confidence and high levels of involvement and wellbeing are the linchpins of academic success.

In May 2023, the school underwent a full inspection by the Independent Schools Inspectorate. The results of the evaluation were excellent, with the school receiving the highest commendation across all assessed areas.

Specialist teachers for art, music, modern foreign languages and sports, along with dedicated spaces like the music room, science lab, library and art studio, contribute to a comprehensive learning environment.

The school has an outstanding record of success in 11+ examinations, with a high number of scholarships consistently awarded. This is testament to both the academic rigour of our curriculum and the breadth of opportunity available.

Parents are encouraged to apply early via the website, and attend Open Events. Means-tested assisted places, of up to 100% of the full fees, are available for 7+ entry or above.

Our school crest reminds us that we are here to ignite a passion for learning and to 'let each flame burn brighter'.