From a 100-minute Zumbathon to 100 acts of kindness, pupils at Ballard School have embarked on a myriad of charity challenges inspired by Captain Sir Tom Moore to celebrate what would have been his 101st birthday.
Archie Caithness, a Sixth Form student at King’s Rochester is eagerly preparing to join cyclists from across the UK for the RBLI Ride with a Veteran 2021.
Students in Withburga House – one of the Girls’ Day Houses at King’s Ely Senior – have raised more than £1,000 for the UK eating disorder charity, Beat.
Keen cyclist Harry Toms is using pedal power to raise much-needed funds for the School of Hard Knocks (SOHK) - a charity which uses sport as a way to change behaviour and address school exclusion, crime, unemployment and poor health.
At 11am on Tuesday 27th April 2021, Prep pupils at Bridgewater School in Worsley will join their classmate, six year old Olly Livsey, to walk his daily mile in support of RMCH Charity.
The Abbot’s Hill Parents’ Association ran an Easter Raffle and Easter Egg Design Competition to raise funds for Billy’s Wish, a local charity supporting the reduction of knife crime.